
Thursday, August 30, 2018

Have you visited bail before?

Our learning focus for project based learning this term is about culture

I am from bail and my brother is from Philippines and my mother but my
dad is kiwi

The culture of the Philippines is a combination of cultures of the East and West. Filipino identity was born at the same time as its creation, Mainly from its per-
colonial cultures that merged with the influence of the coloniser and Chinese traders that melted and evolved to its own unique classical Filipino identity.

Image result for indonesia baliImage result for indonesia bali

Friday, August 4, 2017

Tech challenge

Welcome back to my blog



Marshmallow tower

Balance a book and cup water

Cup and rope and rubber band tower

In the first rotation  we had to make a newspaper stretcher
and then balance 4 books and a cup of water.

In the second rotation we did a paper chain.We started with a one meter long paper and some tape and 3 scissors and i was cheering the team because i was injured and couldn't cut the paper or cut the tape so i cheering the team.The next rotation was the cup and string won and you had to make a tower without touching the cups my team found it really challenging so we could only do it once In that session my team showed a lot of teamwork encouragement patience and had lots of fun.

In the last rotation i didn't really get to do anything so it was pretty boring.It was called the marshmallow fort
I know it sounds easy but wait until you hear the materials...The materials were raw pasta and obviously marshmallows unfortunately my team lost probably because they discluded two people which means that they weren't a very good team.